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Cullman Theatre is the theatre program at Cullman High School. We strive to teach the performing arts to students giving them opportunities ​to perfect their craft through performance. Through the support of the Cullman High School administration and the Cullman Community, Cullman Theatre has built a strong tradition of excellence. They compete regularly in district and state competitions winning many superior ratings and being listed among the some of the best in the state. The program is very proud to have the reputation of  strong program but even more proud of the students that have emerged from the program finding their way through life. The staff teaches that Theatre is Life. It is a foundational teaching that the things you learn and do in a theatre department will prepare you for the next thing you do in life. Cullman Theatre has had many students who have followed their high school experience with a college and career goal of performing or being behind the scenes in a theatre.  They have also seen many other students go on the other careers while maintaining a love for the arts and an appreciation for how being involved in Cullman Theatre helped prepare them for LIFE.


Wayne Cook 

Director of Theatre


Sarah Jane Skinner

Director of Choral Arts


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Nohea Naehu

Dance and Choreography


Elizabeth Miller

Art Instructor


Stage Curtains


Student Director

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